MBOTD Author Chats!

The Message Board of the Damned has a fantasic line-up of online author chats that you DO NOT want to miss! Stop by the Blog-O-Rama for the listing and get your questions ready. It's brain pickin' time!



Fran Friel said…
Your buddy HP would be proud, Chris. How goes the wonderful world of Lovecraft?

Callisto said…
Just wanted to let you know why your link to Blissed won't work. I spent too much time blogging and so I have deleted my blog Blissed. Thanks for reading and good luck in life!
Chris Perridas said…
The HPLblog is more than I could believe. The community grows daily, and many of the bloggers have become contributors. The comments are extraordinary.


Now, where has Yada gone?

We want some new yada ...