Don't miss Issue 3 of Dark Recesses Press! And the price is right...FREE! How's that sound? AND for a VERY reasonable fee, you can also get the high resolution CD-ROM version (available soon!) at Shocklines, complete with original music and an interview by yours truly (yes, me) with the wonderfully wicked author, James Newman.
Buy a copy and help make sure our writers and artists get paid. All proceeds go back to the contributors! Yup, we editorial schmucks work for glory and accolades only. So if you have any of those...they're very WELCOME!
For a limited time you can get Dark Recesses Press at the free-download page: www.DarkRecesses.com.
The new CD version will be available soon at Shocklines.com. In the meantime, you can still purchase Issues 1 and Issue 2.
Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel