Reading at HorrorFind VI
I'll be kicking-up a little dust at HorrorFind Weekend 2006, August 11-13 in HuntValley, Maryland. Not only will I have the pleasure of actually SEEING friends I meet with everyday online, I'll also be schmoozin' at the Insidious Publications - Insidious Reflections table AND I'll be reading excerpts from MAMA'S BOY on Sunday.
If you're going to be at HF come see me at the IR table and please stop by for my reading, so I don't have to read to the dust bunnies in the corners of the room. They're a tough audience, and they scare me. If you're going to be around, bring your lunch, bring your friends - it'll be fun...or a slaughter. Good either way:
Sunday at 12:30 in Salon E
Just for being a willing warm body, you'll have a chance to win FREE STUFF. There will be a drawing at the end of the reading and four people will win one of the following:
2 $10 Gift Certificates from
2 Issues of Insidious Reflections Magazine
I hope to see you all there. If you're stuck at home, just click your heels six times and say there's no place like Horrorfind. Open your eyes and if you're still at home, try another pair of shoes. If that doesn't work, break-out the Jack Daniels, have a good couple of shots, watch Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and don't go to bed for three days. It'll be almost like being there. *wink*
Wish me luck!
Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel