Buckingham's Palace
I wasn't going to post again until after the WHC, but just had to. Last night, I saw THE best concert of my life. Lindsey Buckingham (Fleetwood Mac) did a solo concert with his amazing band at a great venue here in Connecticut, The Ridgefield Playhouse. He freakin' ROCKED THE HOUSE. It was a transcendent performance and he tore the hell out of the guitar (several of them!) all night long.
He played for at least two hours full-out without a break, with multiple show-stopping monster tunes. Most musicians would have needed a nap after just one of those killers. Connecticut audiences tend to me a relatively reserved crowd, but by the end of the night, everyone was on their feet losing their minds.
Real Love
I had tears streaming down my cheeks damn near the whole night. Mind you, I'm a new Buckingham fan. It wasn't nostalgia for me, it was the sheer force of his passion and love for what he was doing. This love (and I can't think of a better word to describe it) blasted off the stage into the audience like waves of ecstasy. It became one of those magic feedback loops from the performer to the audience and back to the performer. Amazing. I was a musician for a large part of my life and I've seen a lot of virtuoso performances, but I've seldom felt like I was witnessing something divine and transformative. I did last night.
I know this all sounds like a big old gush, but the truth is, I left the concert with a renewed commitment and love for my own work.
If you get a chance to see this modern master of guitar and rock, run, do not walk! I suspect he'll ignite your life like he did for all of us at his concert here in Connecticut last night.
Wickedly (and Fearlessly) Yours,
Fran Friel
PS - You can check-out Lindsey's tour schedule HERE.
Note: Fabulous photos are attributed to Bob Israel (1st and 3rd pics) and Justin Bailey (2nd pic).
My brother was a big Fleetwood Mac fan but now he's gone, just like my parents.
I woke up the other day and found that everyone in my town was gone.
The televisions and the telephones don't work any more but I can get onto my Dad's computer so I started a blog to try to find people. I noticed you had posted something since the disappearance so I'm hoping you're still around.
If you are, it would be great to hear from you.
My name is James and I'm ten years old and I'm kind of scared.
I have to look for others now,
Sorry, I forgot to send you my blog address in case you wanted to send me a note.
Here it is: