You're WANTED!
Okay, maybe there's no million dollars, no fame (well, maybe a little), no fortune, but you're wanted just the same...or at least your writing is. Three, count 'em, kids...three publishers want your wares.
Number One
BBT Magazine wants you to flash 'em! That's right. They're having a little flash fiction competition over at Blood, Blade and Thruster Mag. The short version of what they want:
- Topic - Write a Flash in which someone dies and it’s funny.
1. 1000 words or less. No exceptions
2. Relate to the contest topic.
3. As Blood Blade and Thruster is a publication of speculative fiction with a slant to the satirical, we will only accept works of horror, fantasy, and science fiction, which convey a self-deprecating or humorous view of the genre.
Are you game? If so, you'll find the full guidelines HERE.
Number Two
UK publisher, Hadesgate Publications, will be open for submissions for the month of August, according to their announcement at Shocklines message board today. In brief:
Previously unpublished novel sized manuscripts. Our bias is towards horror & dark fantasy."
Hadesgate has been publishing some beautiful books, and they're a great bunch of folks to boot. If you're interest, for the full scoop, stop by the Shocklines message board or the Hadesgate website.Number Three
Cutting Block Press is now open for submissions for the anthology, Horror Library Vol 3. This wonderful short story series is a tough market to crack (yup, they gave me a big fat rejection for Vol 2!) and it just keeps getting tougher, but Cutting Block makes a darn "pretty" book with well written fabulous tales. What they're looking for:
"...the highest quality examples of all forms of Dark Fiction, running the gamut from traditional horror, supernatural, speculative, psychological thriller, dark satire, including every point between and especially beyond. No Fantasy or Sci-fi unless the horror elements are dominant.
"Stories will range between 1,000 and 6,000 words, though we'll look at longer works of exceptional merit. In that case, query before submission. Buying 1st worldwide anthology rights. We'll consider reprints, but query before submitting. Paying 1.5 cents per word, plus one contributors copy. For established authors, rates may be negotiable. Response time: three months or sooner. Deadline: We will accept submissions until filled."
Want to know more? Visit Cutting Block Press Here!
So there you have it, gang. Small, medium or large...a few sweet options for your writing chops to chomp on. So what are you waiting for? Getting writing! Woohoo...Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel