I'm always thrilled when my friends do great things, so I thought I'd share a little greatness with you today. My dear friend, Edmund Schubert, has written something wonderful for us--his novel, Dreaming Creek from LBF books. I just ordered it today and I can't wait to have a great read by one of my favorite writers. Ed not only writes up a storm, he's also a very busy editor for a number of publications, including the fabulous Intergalactic Medicine Show. It's always a fantastic read if you haven't yet had the pleasure.
So support a fine writer and an excellent editor and stop by for a copy of Ed's latest at LBF Books or Amazon.com.
Oh yes, there's more goodness. The masters of madness and the publishers of Horror Library Volume 1 and Volume 2 are at it again. Horror Library Volume 3 has just been unleashed...er, released! This book just gets better with each generation. The latest has stories by Bentley Little, Gary Braunbeck, Michael Arnzen, Jeff Strand to name a few of the biggies, as well as some great up-and-comers such as Kurt Dinan, Sunil Sadanand and C. Michael Cook. For a look at the complete Table of Contents that will wow you--Click Here.
The Horror Library anthologies are truly events not to be missed. Get a copy of your own at Cutting Block Press!
A couple of new folks have gotten their hands on Mama's Boy and Other Dark Tales and have a few very nice things to say about it.
Carol Reid reviews the MB collection at The Short Review. This site is absolutely a must for the short story lover in you. Short story collections are their passion, so be sure to browse the list while you're there checking out Carol's thoughts on "Mama's Boy".
A few words from The Short Review:
Fran Friel is a generous, spellbinding storyteller. Her love of a well-told tale is clear, from the first words of the opening story, Beach of Dreams: "With dawn still hours away, the storm howled in the cavernous spaces between the carcasses on the beach."
Michele Lee reviews the MB collection at The Fix. I had the pleasure of meeting Michele at Context 21 in Columbus, Ohio this past September. It was a delight to meet her in person, and of course, I'm thrilled that she enjoyed the collection.
Don’t let the first story in Fran Friel’s collection, Mama’s Boy and Other Dark Tales, deceive you into thinking this is some sort of “Horror Lite” book. The first story, “Beach of Dreams,” is a surreal, exotic tale of a man visiting a native tribe who is one day privy to examining strange things that wash up on their shores...Full of visceral imagery and summed up with a sad-sweet ending, this tale might make readers think Friel doesn’t have the balls to do more than flirt with horror.Perhaps purposefully deceptive, or perhaps just showing her versatility, Friel shatters that perception with her next offering, “Gravy Pursuits.”
Now, if I haven't snoozed you too much just yet, The Short Review also requested a short interview. If you have a few more moments to indulge in my yammerage, you can find the The Short Review Interview Here.
Thanks so much for reading the news, gang. I hope you found it helpful. Oh, and by the way, DO NOT MISS the annual Apex Raffle going on right now. You can win some incredible goodies over there, plus there's a signed and personally doodled copy of Mama's Boy and Other Dark Tales up for grabs, as well. The tickets start at just $1.00 or $25 for a chance to win EVERYTHING!
See you soon, my friends.
Wickedly Yours,
Fran Friel